Burning Wheel Twilight in the Duchy Verdorben PDF



Twilight in the Duchy Verdorben combines three introductory Burning Wheel adventures by Luke Crane and Thor Olavsrud; Trouble in Hochen, Dinner for One, and Your Day In Court. Art by Jordan Worley and Tony Dowler.


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Trouble in Hochen

Trouble in Hochen serves two purposes. It is an adventure scenario, meant to kick off a short campaign. And it is a workshop for writing Beliefs and developing relationships.


Dinner for One

Dinner for One is a Burning Wheel scenario in which characters meet and have dinner with the enigmatic Lord Stravit. It is the continuation of Trouble in Hochen. At its heart, it is a very simple scenario. It begins shortly after the conclusion of Trouble in Hochen.


Your Day in Court Your

Day in Court is the third scenario in our series. It follows directly on the heels of Dinner for One. It’s a bit of a twist— rather than revered as heroes for their actions, the characters are arrested and put on trial for murder.